
I am a poet straying into Science territory, a Science teacher gone to The Other Side, an educator, facilitor, and creative agitator. 

You'll generally find me doing interesting and exciting things in that bit of the Venn diagram (remember them?) where Science, Learning and Poetry overlap.

The Official Biog

Helen Clare is a freelance writer and facilitator working on a portfolio of  projects which involve science, writing, creativity,  and learning. They have included a residency at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester, Passing Down, which was a collaboration with academics, the community and an artist to create a piece of word based textile art responding to people’s ideas about inheritance, and supporting the Leonardo Effect, a NESTA funded project to explore teaching science and art synchronously. More recently she was poet in Residence at Manchester Musueum on the Buckles and Butterflies project. 

Helen’s poetry collection Mollusc was published by Comma press in 2004. Entomology, a pamphlets of sonnets about insects and (of course love) was published by Happenstance in 2014 Her poems have also appeared in magazines including The North, The Rialto, Ambit and The Manhattan Review and have won prizes in the Arvon and London Writers Competitions and the Cheshire Prize for Literature. 

She is a freelance poet, devising projects, delivering workshops and accepting commissions. 

She is currently experimenting with poems animated on Powerpoint.